Party is a wonderful event where you can meet many people and make friends. To make friends, you seem attractive, so they are interested to know you better.
Besides a nice dress, makeup, also determine your “success” of the parties. Makeup parties are obviously different with the makeup you wear to work or hang out with friends. To make beautiful place can boost your confidence, then people you see in the right way, not because you look like a monster.

Beautiful dress, which is common, or the wrong form does not make you shine. It will be not one of the girls just. The worse makeup makes you a nightmare. Because you feels like the wrong place and time. A beautiful dress, makes you beautiful and the right to form, there will be fabulous! You are unforgettable! The majority of the shares to be held in the evening or night. It takes more glitter and sparkle like a normal apply on a daily basis. It can also be relatively darker and brighter than normal. Here are some tips you can do before going to parties.

o The first thing you do is: cleansing, peeling, moisturizing and refreshing ice or use around the face and a milk or 50-10 minutes or use a clean face cleansing lotion or moisturizer and be sure not leave your face oily or hide the scars on your face and weaknesses, should apply concealer or foundation all over your face. Choose a darker shade or use a brush, powder reflections. This gives more shine to your face. Brush on face and neck, or add color, blush the cheeks with blush front pages
o To create dramatic look, look Smokey is a good choice to be sexy and sexual parts and applying mascara on the tips of the eyelashes or eyebrows define a lipstick or eyebrow pencil color that matches your dress. Choose dark colors, if you go late night parties. Prefers gold, bronze, silver and shirts for us news and glamorous. Finally, your lips with a coat of lip gloss. SO, here your part makeup is completed.
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